#2 The Dedicated Loser - This guys's fanhood runs so deep that he's willing pay the admission price to personally watch blowout after blowout. If he wasn't personally there each game, he'd feel incredibly guilty. Besides, he wouldn't want to miss their first win in 4 years. Someday things might turnaround. His favorite post season phrase: "Next year will be much better."
Not me - I'm not wasting my hard earned money to watch my team suck it up year after year, no matter how long I've been a fan. I'll keep cheering from home, but I'm not wasting my time and money only to sit in misery for hours on end.

#3 The Stupid Sign Maker -These guys have a personal message for somebody out there. It can be directed to the opponents fans & players, TV markets, or even your own team. These folks are often considered the most passionate fans who are willing to embarrase themselves while holding up the sign. Many times, the work to prepare the sign far exceeds the actual value of showing the sign. How do I know? I'm a sign maker at times, especially at Jazz playoff games.
#4 The Fighter - This is the guy who can't control his emotions at games. Opposing hecklers get in his head to point where he just blows it and either says something he regrets or even worse gets tossed from the game for fighting. Most often they're drunk or naturally hot headed.
Personal Admition - I've never been in a real scuffle, but I've been very close to throwing fists. Both of them were at BYU v. Utah games. The first was my bro. in law's fault by talking smack after a BYU loss at Rice Stadium. Great idea!! The second was last year at BYU when a moronic Ute fan bumped me a little too hard thinking Utah had just won the game. Little did he know it was only 4th and 18.
# 5 The Bandwagoner - The guy or gale in this case immediately began liking a team because it was the best thing to do for their social life. Now granted, Jessica is rooting for her boyfriend Tony Romo, but if her next boyfriend plays for the Eagles, she'll be wearing green before you know it.
Partial Admition - I became a Red Sox fan in 04' when they came out of obscurity and finally pushed my #1 hated team ever (NY Yankees) to the side. It's a great rivalry and I love cheering against the Yankees. In that way, I'm a bandwagoner. I love Boston's tradition and the fact that they sing Neil's "Sweet Caroline" at home games. How can you beat that?

# 6 The Face/Chest Painter - These guys define ultimate manhood by proudly spelling out something stupid with their bare chests and painted faces, often in freezing tempetures. They want all the fans and TV cameras to notice how dedicated they are to their team. They too are often drunk and completely out of touch with reality.
Personal Admition - I think I tried this once at a Skyline HS football playoff game at Rice Stadium. It's too bad or maybe 'too good' that I didn't make the yearbook. Thumbs AKA Daniel Hansen did though.
Well, there is a short list of how some fans are and I admit to showing tendancies of most of them. What does your
PASSION drive you to do? What do you like/dislike about other fans?