Where each drop of sweat, blood, and tears represents PASSION. PASSION is what CBAC is all about. Those who were chosen to take place in CBAC, should cherish this opportunity and pass this experience to the generations to come. Those who did not qualify to play this year. I urge you to find the love of the game, wash your jockstrap, and commit with dedication to play in the next CBAC. A CBAC player is not based upon your skill level, it is based upon your level of PASSION.
Here are the fortunate players chosen to participate in CBAC XV:
Team 1- Mike/ Snapple /John Stockton /Brett
Team 2- Matt Q / Nikki / Chopper / Jimmy
Team 3- PK / Special K / Richie / Lehi
Team 4- Sarge / Jason Mann / Bish / Tyler
Team 5- Joe / Scuba / Jason Q / Dave
Team 6- Shawn T. / Mark / Glenn / Danbo
I would like to share my analysis and predictions-
Team 1- I love this team, based on brotherly love and the name of John Stockton, however with Stocktons name involved, I see them falling short of the title. Welcome back Okiama.
Team 2- For some reason this team looks very familiar, I think they have played together in past CBAC's. This team is a contender. If Chopper can stay out of foul trouble, Nikki hits her base-line jumper, Matt Q makes 1 right hand lay-up, and Jimmy shares the ball, this team will win it. Too many if's.
Team 3- I like this team, but I see two inconsistencies. 1-Richie is too injury prone and 2-PK is either way ON or all the way OFF.
Team 4- I don't know this team very well, therefore chances are they will be exiting quickly.
Team 5- Dave really let me down last CBAC in my predictions, so I can't pick them to take it all this year. This team has the most playing experience together, which can be a good thing or bad. Bad in the sense that I can't tell you how many fist fights and verbal lashings I have witnessed between Scuba, Dave, and Joe while being on the same team. Jason Q, it is up to you to control the hot tempers of your compadres.
Team 6- This is the team to beat. This is my pick to win it all. Why? PASSION Baby! I don't think any team can match up PASSION wise. With the name of Danbo, the intensity of Mr. Glenn Paul, and the goggles of Gygi- No team has a chance. I know Shawn T. is a rookie but regardless of who he is, this team can't lose.
That's my take on this upcoming CBAC.
Good luck to all. Play hard or don't play at all!
Your PASSIONate Thumbs