Saturday, November 22, 2008
Banker Bites
BYU 28
Utah 24
My Two Cents
College Football Experts
Sorry C-BCAC Smack blog followers, I've been in some mandatory training this week and it's taken me away from my posting here. This won't be long as I've got plenty to do today before kickoff in T – 7 hours and counting but I've been chewing on this for several days and I just have to spit it out now.
As you all know, I bleed blue with most diehard of Cougar fans and I loathe almost all that is Red. I just can't get behind a team like the one on the hill. But my comments here aren't an attempt to show how awesome BYU is or how much the Utes suck. I wanted to talk about the perception many Cougar fans have that they know EVERYTHING about college football. I think some of the things that really get on Ute fans' nerves about Cougar fans are:
- The world revolves around BYU
- Every Cougar fan "knows" that every call that goes against the Cougars was a bad call and they could call the game better
- For all their expression of college football knowledge, many don't know a thing about it if it isn't BYU
Let me illustrate. Recently, while emailing a good friend of mine, he made the comment that his in-laws won't let him watch football when he is around. While lamenting his dilemma, he said, "Unless BYU is playing, then they are college football experts." I think this is true of so many Cougar fans. I don't think the sun rises and sets with BYU football, but many do. While attending the games this season I saw the shift in enthusiasm for the team after TCU exposed the Cougars. The UCLA game was so energized. The electricity was almost tangible. Fierce chants of "B-Y-U" rang through the stadium every time we handled the Bruins. But since the TCU loss, the fans were more lethargic, less willing to stand up on big plays. It was as if the Frogs not only beat the Cougars, but they also separated many fans from their enthusiasm, simply because BYU was no longer on the magical BCS rollercoaster. With BYU fans, I don't think there is much room to even allow the possibility of cheering for another school exists. I'm not suggesting that we cheer for Utah EVER, but I enjoy watching other teams such as Oklahoma, Florida, and USC. I can tell you who is sitting where in the polls and whether I feel they belong where they are ranked. But I fear too many BYU fans only believe that Provo is the center of the universe.
That being said, I'm cheering on the blue and white today in Rice-Eccles. And though I may have just ranted about BYU fans, I don't exclude the narrow-mindedness of so many Ute fans, many of whom I can safely refer to as BYU haters. While listening to the radio, and reading through posts on various websites, all you hear is "After Utah wins, we're having a BYU sucks party." Well if all you are doing is having a "BYU sucks" party does it matter who wins? You can have one of those anyway. I truly feel that some Ute fans only cheer for the red for lack of another school nearby to root for. I have a suggestion; there is purple 45 minutes to the north or another blue team 90 minutes away. I don't think that true fan hood should revolve around cheering for one team, simply because you hate another. Get a team and get behind them. I hate the Utes because I am a BYU fan and not a BYU fan because I hate the Utes. I know plenty of Utah fans that simply hate BYU because they love their Utes, but I don't know one Cougar fan that loves BYU only because they hate the University of Utah.
Game Day!!
Whatever the outcome, I expect a victory post by the time I get home.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Victorious Dining

Those two are obvious. Then there's,
A UTAH Original. Or...

Or just head home to finish off the last few scoops of Dreyer's Utah Blitz in the freezer.
Nice Win Utes!!!!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Pirates are Original
You Quegs Have your share of Stupid fans. The Pirate Fan at least has some originality, this guy is just lame and lacks any remnant of an original Idea. Byu is going down this year and so all you will have to hold on to is the hope that your Basketball team survives. I can't stand 98 percent of all BYU fans and it is probably because of the pompus way they carry themselves and how boastful they can be when they are winning.
I was at a game a few years ago and a BYU Queg was running his mouth the entire game and was seated in the U's Student section and was chirping in everybodys ear. Lucky for him they won on the "Prayer". Unlucky for his nose was flattened because that was the final straw that broke a fairly large mans patience. I have never found pleasure in seeing someone hurt. But that was pretty nice. Just a little Tact is all I am asking for. If I were ever to go to a game down south I would not rub an entire section saying the team that they love sucks. Cougar are Closeminded. It is always the calls that were wrong, a missed PI, the sun was in his eyes..... and so on. Utah can never outplay the cougars they are just to good. It should be a battle for 60 minutes or maybe more. The best week all year. Rivalry WEEK!!
watch other True Blue fans that make the Pirate look good
Monday, November 17, 2008
Banker’s Bites
Forgive the use of the clichéd, inaccurate title, but it's that time of year and its here, so we're going with it. This game is building up to be one of the biggest, if not THE biggest in the history of the rivalry. It will be only the second time both teams have been ranked going into this game; the highest rankings to be certain. To get the excitement to a fever pitch, here are some recent memories in the rivalry:
BYU caps off a perfect season 24-14 over the Utes and goes on to win the National Championship
BYU torched the Utes 37-17
In the final game of legendary head coach, LaVell Edwards (in front of a sold out Utah crowd) Brandon Doman reminded all of we Skyline alumni why we were so dominant in the late 90's as he took the ball in for the final score of the game. 34-27. Farewell coach
Cougar fans enjoyed a memorable start to the season, including a 24-21 win over Utah to start the season 12-0 (only to lose the final 2 games.)
I can't in good conscience leave this one out Ute fans. The Cougs were in the mire and muck of a filthy season while the rivals were rolling the competition. Utah won handily, got a Fiesta bowl invite, pounded Pittsburg and finished the season with the notoriety of being the first "BCS Buster"
Unlikely hero, Brett Ratliff engineers a final drive in Provo for a 34-31 win in OT. The heated rivalry steps up here
Harline is still open. 33-31 Click here to relive the glory
4th and 18 for 49 still ringing fans? 17-10 Here's the big catch
Yewt R' a Pirate!!!