Just when I'm about to start blogging that BYU has a very legitimate shot at going to a BCS bowl game, BINGO! They get rolled like the fat on coach Patterson's belly.
TCU owned every aspect of the game through their speed. Both of BYU's lines were bigger, but TCU's seemed almost twice as quick. Hall had hardly anytime to throw the ball and the running game was almost null. The Frog's secondary closed on the ball as fast as a lion closes on a limping zebra. And BYU's defense? Good "team effort" there, you bunch of slow walk-ons. I wish BYU could recruit some DB's with some decent speed that can lock up receivers and go one on one. This "team defense" stuff just got burned with scolding hot water. Bend but don't break? Pss Leaze!!! It just got crushed by a consistant offense. Something that BYU has never seen this season before tonight.
Now don't get me wrong. I'm a huge BYU fan and still believe they are GOOD, just not GREAT like everybody (like myself) thought. The #9 ranking, well, flush that down the drain. Maybe we'll see it again next year. But cheer up Charlie Chops! BYU can at least look forward to that exciting Las Vegas bowl right? Wrong! That bowl is worth as much as its property value, worthless! As long as we keep getting matched up with the 5th seed out of the overrated PAC 10, nobody cares. Not even Bronco himself.
As far as what this big L means for all you drunk Ute fans..........beat TCU and BYU and you'll be chomping Tostitos again. But don't get your hopes up, be prepare to get blazed by TCU's speed and on Nov 22nd...... get ready for another great showdown.
-An angry Chops.