It is the season of the sport that many call hunting. It’s Bambi vs. Man, the underdog in this match-up is definitely Bambi and I love cheering for the underdog, so I say Run Bambi Run. For all those hunters out there, all I hope you catch is the cold. Call me a wuss, call me a sissy; I just have a hard time killing animals. I guess I am like “Powder” and I can feel their pain and fear. I shot a rabbit once and a couple of birds; after every kill I had an uneasy sick feeling in my stomach. Many of my friends and family hunt, on many occasions they have invited me to go with them; however it’s that gut feeling I get that keeps me away from hunting. I do believe that the human race are “hunters and gatherers” and if hunger is an issue, we should provide for our families; however when people hunt for sport and trophy, I disagree with their motives and intentions.
Yours truly,
Treehugger Thumbs
"All I hope you catch is the cold?" I'm no Davy Crockett or ScuChuck Norris but I've never caught a deer.
The last time I went "ahunting" bambi, my brothers and I drove for nearly 5 hours to the supposed "cats meow" Southern region. We thought we had a dandy of a spot as always. No sir. At o'dark thirty we woke up to 8" of snow. Sweet!
The only thing we saw in 3 days were each other's orange vests. Come to find out all the deer moved south to their Hawaii and most likely partied like rock stars knowing we were hunting them like the Red October. We held out for Bambi's grandpa, but were forced to lower our heads in solemn defeat.
After becoming one with nature yet again, I walked away from that trip with a healthy respect for THE SUN, dog sleds, Eskimos, and a functional spark plug to get us home.
Thanks for sharing your huntin story Chops.
Chalk 1 up for Bambi.
Bambi 1: Man 0
Well Thumbs I have to give you a thumbs down on this post. I understand that you might feel that the Deer are an underdog in this fight but let me explain, what goes into a hunt. The Department of Fish and Game need the deer population to be monitored or else you will have way to many deer which will cause the deer to move into human inhabited land. I love deer and deer hunting but I don't want deer squashed on the freeways and Highways. Deer have lost most of its natural Predators over the last 100 years and you can't rely on natural selection to take over. The Fish and Game makes thousands of dollars a year by the selling of hunting permits. Last year 25 thousand deer were killed and 97 thousand permits were sold. At permits being at least 45 dollars that is almost half a million dollars used to serve and protect all wildlife in Utah.
I Love the tradition of spending time with my family in the foothills surrounding Panguitch lake. It is quite a rush to see a big buck and then be able to focus your abilities to shoot one accurately. As for the the Sick feeling in your stomach, I can't really help you. What makes me sick is Poachers (people Killing out of Season). May we all have a enjoyable hunt in the Beautiful Utah Mountains regain our love for nature and take a break from the daily grind of work. Even a Furngully like yourself could use a break from life for a while hunting is a great vehicle for that. I don't think it is Man vs Bambi, More like Man vs Wild. Even Bear Grylls loves being in the wilderness and the challenge of learning new things.
Hunters Unite
Three reasons why I have Bambi in my scope -
1. Capacity Control. Like DK said, governmentally regulated deer population saves more deer in the long run. When the time of year is right, those bucks are worse than "Wilt the Stilt" Chamberlain, impregnating everything that walks on four legs and has a uterus. Too many births for not enough deaths equals sarvation for our furry buddies. So the government can either gather up a big herd of them each year and exterminate them Nazi-style or they can make some money on us poor chumps that are willing to pay them.
2. Deerburger helper - In my married years after my deer is "harvested" (not caught) I have enjoyed not going to the store to buy meat for a good five months. Making dinner is nice too because there's never any grease to drain out of the pan cause "them bambies is so lean." Don't knock it until you try some patented Scuba Steve's Deermeat Tacos. Yum-yum.
3. The great outdoors. This isn't even an arugment. Everyone knows what God's country is like. Beautiful. I don't know what Tampa Bay was thinking building a dome. The outdoors is the way to go. Even the NBA is cathching on to the outdoors movement.
Bottomline - Cityfolk learn about wildlife on the cartoon network where all the animals talk and have relationships in family atmospheres. They're cute and cuddily on tv and they would natually be our friends if only they could talk. I heard about this lady in FL who had to be stoped from wanting to go pet a 5-foot alligator. She thought it wanted to be friends. Animals aren't humans, they're beasts placed here for the benefit of man.
One thing I would be in favor of would be legalizing the hunting of poachers. I'm sure the poachers would think twice about what they're doing if they thought they were in the crosshairs. I'd go for that Crocodile Dundee style. All the poaching regulations come from the fish and game who are funded majorly by the licensing income. We all do our part to do what is right.
That's the way I see it.
DK & Scuba,
I hear and understand your point about the capacity control of the deer population; however, if you are doing the Department of Fish and Game such a favor I would think they should be the ones paying you for your service to humanity by not allowing the deer to take over our communities. It seems a little backwards to me, don't you think?
I think hunters really love the thrill and excitement of the kill, which is fine by me; it's just not my cup of tea.
Dave, thanks for the stats for the Bambi vs. Man scoreboard of 2007. Last year looks like the underdog dominated by the score of:
Bambi-72, ooo to Man-25,000. Update us when the 2008 season is over.
Dave, I liked the fact that you mentioned Bear Grylls. That show is a family favorite in our house. I love teaching my children the beauties and wonders of nature. I think there is such a value in knowing how to survive in the wilderness. I love the fact that my children are prepared to eat anything (raw fish, juicy beetles, plants, berries or my favorite- elephant dung) for survival.
Scuba, I loved your statement of, "Animals aren't humans, they're beasts placed here for the benefit of man." If Michael Vick would have used that quote during his trail, I think he would be a free man today. That is a classic phrase.
Lastly, have fun on the deer hunt this weekend. Be safe and think of me cheering when you miss your Bambi. If you do "chalk one up" for Man, send me some Scuba Steve's deermeat tacos please.
With love,
To the beast blasting brothers:
I'll take some deer chops.
From, Lamb Chops
I like tacos.
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