Every year I cheer for her, the ugly duckling that has hardly a chance to score with Zach Morris. But don't forget, Cinderella did score with the Prince! The great thing about this tourney is she DOES have a chance. Which ugly duck will I pull for this year? Hmmm. Utah State is definately on the list. The fact that BYU hasn't passed the 1st round since I was knee high to a grasshopper puts them on the list,
IN BOLD. Utah has a good chance of advancing, but it all depends on Lucas de Neville. Baseline. Baseline.
Cheers to spring time temps and Luther's "One Shining Moment" song with CBS's recap. I shed a tears every year. "The ball is tipped....."
I'm off to Vegas to put all my economic stimulas money on an ugly yet very confident duck. Have a great tourney and may your team's dream come true.