More moronic Utes at it again!! Last time I checked their mascot was a native Utah indian tribe. Well, now they think they're PIRATES!!!!! What's next, Care Bears?
At halftime of one game I had to ask this idiot in person..."What's with the pirate costume?" What a surprise, the brilliant idea (with the ship, don't forget that masterpiece) was drawn up on a NAPKIN, after getting plastered! I'm sorry, but this far out does any stupid thing a BYU fan can be blamed for.
You yewts are hard core fans!!! Too bad you're royally confused. Let me give you a hand. This is NCAA football, not MLB baseball. You don't live in Pittsburg, you live in Utah. You're the freaking UTES, NOT stupid PIRATES. Do you need me to remind you where to pee? No, not in your cup. Of course after the first quarter you wouldn't taste the difference, so go ahead....piss away. No, not on your son either! He might learn some bad habbits. You have shown him so many good ones, why do something stupid like pee on your son? After the game, are you going to set sail to finally get that blasted Peter Pan and Wendy? If you do, don't forget Tinkerbell and her pixy dust. After all, she may be the source of the MAGIC!!! BYU 33 Utah 31 - Again!
Maybe it's a simple object lesson for you "special" learners down south who learn better visually.
The lesson being that Utah Utes are going to figuratively rape, pilliage, plunder and leave for dead each and every little shemale on that BYU team. They'll be in so much pain and humiliation they'll be wishing they'd just caught a tomahawk between the eyes.
Oh, don't get the Utes wrong. They plan on killing the cougars this weekend. But they plan on doing it while taking their dignity, punting it into the stands and leaving it for the Ute Pirates to (you guessed it) piss on it. No directions needed thank you very much.
The key word you used is "PLAN." Yes, they plan on killing BYU, just like they "planned on" rolling over UNLV after demolishing UCLA last year. Don't get too confident you scum bags! Don't forget that BYU has found a way to trump your party at the end in the last 2 years. BYU will be in this game at the end, no matter the score after 3 quarters. All of Ute nation is praying that they don't blow it, AGAIN!!! Harline is still open, 4th & 18, we'll see what they surprise us with this year???
Pillage you say? While rushing the field, I will seek out your "captain hook" and use his Fisher-Price plastic sword to carve a big “L” across his fat jelly belly.
"The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry." You think the Utes didn't PLAN to win the past two seasons? I sure hope not or Dr. Hill and Coach Whit deserve to get canned. For all the strength of the Ute secondary in the past two seasons, they've sure managed some bone headed plays when it mattered most. I don't know how you can expect a defense to cover all the WR for 20 seconds of scrambling (Harline is still open.) How about you bring more than three guys after Max Hall on 4th and 18 near their own goal line? I keep hearing how pathetic Ludwig is, but someone should check the defense.
BTW, why is it that the Utes most celebrated player is the punter/kicker? Wouldn't you rather have a TE who leads the nation in every statistical category or a WR who has a streak of 8 games receiving over 100 yards/game?
Freaking yewt fans! Always good for a laugh. I love the guy prancing away in his bear suit. Let's analyze the yewt identity crisis...
Official mascot - Utes
Mascot - A parrot
Fans - Think they are pirates or bears.
Perhaps this deepening insecurity is a result of getting punked by BYU two straight years, soon to be three. Go Cougs.
Yewt fans,
After BYU breaks your hearts again, at least you still have basketball, right? WRONG!!!
This game even surprised me. Thanks to the might Utes for giving SW Baptist its first victory ever over a D1 school! They are so obscure that ESPN doesn't even have a logo for them. I knew Coach Bowlen thought the yewts had a tough non-conference schedule, but who knew it was this hard? Classic! So much for the rich tradition of yewt basketball!
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