After Saturdays big win over Ohio State in front of 105,711 fans at "the horse shoe," Penn State has a very good chance at playing for the National Championship. And all I can say is Go Go Go Joe!!
How can you not cheer for this guy? This is his 43rd year as head coach of the Nittany Lions, and that started 16 years after being the assistant.
The dude got pummled by a Wisconsin player in Nov. 06' but was back up in the

The guy is old school too. After watching the clip below, you'd think he should be in green acres retirement center playing hearts with Mildred, Ted, and Phylis. Not a chance with this skipper, he'll retire to nothing more than his grave! I'll be surprised if he hasn't already beat a player down with his cane during practice.
I have a ton of respect for long tenured "hard school" coaches at any one institution or team. So in the spirit of Joe Pa, I'd like to hear what coaches you've enjoyed watching and why? Coach Knight was always fun to watch erupt. J-Slo John Deer has always flavored us with a few choice words and foot pounding during each game. Majerous? Wooden? Ditka? Rokney?
After Sunday I have to like Singletary. Of course, that coaching attitute will last about 3 days before the defensive line mummywraps him in duct tape and shoves him in a locker. Still, you gotta love the tough love.
BTW Chops, Mr Paterno wanted me to give you this restraining order. He said it's nothing personal but he wants you to stay out of his garbage cans. He said you would know what he's talking about and hoped you would understand.
How could you include Majerous witht the likes of JoePa, Wooden, or Ditka? Come on man, take off the red goggles...
Maj is a local tie bringing the story close to home. Who did you want Roger Reid? SUU super choke Coach? Maj had one of the best coach's career. I went to his basketball camp It was killer. At least Chops can appreciate talent in different sports. Can you comment on anything but BYU vs UTAH? Can't wait to here from you. Scotty DOOOOO
Being a person who has a minor in coaching I've had to read a couple of books on some. I know some of these are going to get some backlash, but you have to appreciate a good coach no matter what team they are coaching.
First, Phil Jackson I know all you Jazz fans probably hate given what happen in the 1998 NBA finals (sorry I had to go there). Yes Jackson had some amazing players that he was coaching, Jordan Pippen, Rodman the list goes on. What I think is so great about Phil is that he finds a way to make the all-stars play together and not compete against each other.
Then to prove that his Zen coaching method wasn't a fluke he goes to L.A. with the two biggest ego's in the NBA; Shaq daddy and Kobe to pull off the three-peat. So as much as you might hate the teams or players he's coached you have to admit he knows what's going on when your playin' on the hard wood.
And just for fun, who doesn't love Urban? He comes to Utah and breaks Utah into to BCS first school to do it in the BCS era and then they win the Fiesta bowl,after that he leaves and goes to Florida to win a National championship.
By the way BYU might have a National Championship from when they were still wearing the leather caps as helmets, but they have yet to join reach today's standards and play in a BCS bowl.
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