I don't know about you, but I'm sick of hearing Ronald the Duck Boone ask Bolerjack if he can give away yet another Morgan Jewelers Diamond Play of the Game Award. By the end of the 1st quarter he typically has given away 2 or 3. How about this Booner.........give the award away at the END of the game!! That way, you'll only the plaY of the game, not playS of the game. If there is 1 award give it to 1 play, not 3 per quarter.

Banker reminded me of a similar thing going on at the SNF horse trailer. It's almost become a game to Madden to see how many guys he can plaster up there. I've seen him recognize the entire offensive line before. Now that looks lovely - 5 fat heads in a 2' x 2' square area.
Make up your mind folks!! You're diluting the value of the award if you give it away to every player who touched the ball or made a good block.
And what's with ESPN's college football awards? I think Bradford, McCoy, and Tebow all received best college football quarterback/football player awards of some sort last week. If that's the case, then who really is the best?
Let's water it down some more by thowing ME in there! You should have seen a TD pass I threw in this year's turkey bowl. Where's Ronald the Duck when you need him?
"And what can Santa Craig get you this year for Christmas young man? Some more dome wax? How bout a new book of ways to state the blatently obvious? Oh wait, that was written by you."
"All I really want is one more Diamond PLay of the Game. Can you give me just one more? Fez just made a finger roll. Can that be one? Tis the season."
Flippin ridiculous. I have really enjoyed the past few weeks when the Jazz have played on national TV with ESPN and TNT. Those games were very enjoyable.
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