With Scuba's post about his distaste of soccer and Chopper's post about fanhood, I have been in deep thought of my fanhood priorities.
If you are reading this post, it can only mean that you are a true sports fan, so I would like you to close your eyes and search deep within your sporting fanhood and imagine this; If all your favorite teams or athletes were in the final championship game at the same time, list in order the sport and team you would watch(in person)? Here is a list of my sporting priorities, come up with your own and send a reply.
NBA- Utah Jazz
NFL- Chicago Bears
FIFA World Cup- USA, Brasil
NCAA Football- BYU
NCAA Basketball- BYU
MLB- Boston Redsox
PGA- Tiger Woods, Boo Weekley
MLS- Real Salt Lake
UFC- Anderson "the spider" Silva, BJ Penn "the prodigy"
If you are reading this post, it can only mean that you are a true sports fan, so I would like you to close your eyes and search deep within your sporting fanhood and imagine this; If all your favorite teams or athletes were in the final championship game at the same time, list in order the sport and team you would watch(in person)? Here is a list of my sporting priorities, come up with your own and send a reply.
NBA- Utah Jazz
NFL- Chicago Bears
FIFA World Cup- USA, Brasil
NCAA Football- BYU
NCAA Basketball- BYU
MLB- Boston Redsox
PGA- Tiger Woods, Boo Weekley
MLS- Real Salt Lake
UFC- Anderson "the spider" Silva, BJ Penn "the prodigy"
NHL- Pittsburg Pengiuns
ATP- Tommy Haas
WTP- Maria Sharapova, Venus Williams
Boxing- Mike Tyson
NASCAR- Dale Earnhart Jr., Tony Stewart
If you so choose to smack talk any of my priorities, BRING THE SMACK ON.
ATP- Tommy Haas
WTP- Maria Sharapova, Venus Williams
Boxing- Mike Tyson
NASCAR- Dale Earnhart Jr., Tony Stewart
WSOP- Gus Hansen "the great dane"
Table Tennis- Ma LinIf you so choose to smack talk any of my priorities, BRING THE SMACK ON.
Danny here are mine;
FIFA Women's World Cup- USA defeating Brazil
NCAA Football- UTAH
NFL- Indianapolis Colts, Go Payton
MLS- L.A. Galaxy, Beckem yummy
NBA- Utah Jazz
NCAA Basketball- Utah
MLB- L.A. Angels of Anaheim
PGA- Tiger Woods
Olympics- Men's 4x100 Medley relay (Swimming)
After digging deeper than the probe searching for Titanic I’ve come up with the following:
NCAA Football - BYU over any SEC team
NBA - Utah Jazz over the Lakers then Bulls
FIFA World Cup - Argentina or USA over Brazil (Thumbs..where's Germany?)
MLB - Boston Redsox
Olympic Hockey - USA over Canada
NFL - Green Bay Packers
NCAA Basketball - BYU
NHL - Pittsburg Penguins
NCAA Lacrosse - Virginia over Johns Hopkins or Princeton
Wimbledon - Andy Rodick over Roger Federer
Triple Crown - Any young underdog Philly
Tour de France - Lance Armstrong
The Masters - Any young up and comer
That's my list - Now for some smack!
Thumbs..Don't you have Germany heritage? What a dis to them! Especially with futbol. And Tony Stewart? I've met him, what a jerk!! I do like Ma Lin, I watched his Olympic match. Sweating perfously with no time outs left!!
And I still pass on MLS. Not enough passion yet. It may grow with time. RSL made the playoffs for the 1st time this year. The way they do the playoffs is very weak though. The number of goals determine who moves on? WEAK! Winner moves on, hands down!!
Chopper, Thanks for calling me out on my family roots. Yes, Germany should and is on my list behind Brasil. I would like to publicly apologize to my father and to the entire Hansen family who resides in Germany.
Diene Deutschland forever!!!
I am quite upset with your priorities, Jazz number One that is Good But then to have your NCAA Basketball and Football above the Masters is ludakris. Here is My list and the list that all should follow.
NBA (Jazz)
PGA (Masters) Tiger vs The world
Olympics All Gold Medal Rounds
NCAA Football UTES
NCAA BAsketball UTES
World Cup Rugby (Springboks South Africa)
NFL Superbowl
World Series Red Sox
UFC Kimbo SLice
Kentucky Derby Triple crown winner
FIFA USA beating Brazil
WPGA Annika Sornstrum hole in one
PBA World Cup for Bowling
Billards ( the Black Widow)
PDT ( perfect game on Darts)
WTP Sampras vs Aggasi and Sharapova vs Willams
Skeet Shooting
Bull riding
Arm wrestling
Thumb War
National Spelling Bee
American Gladiatiors (contestant)
Daniel you didn't even mention you daughters namesake. You sexest pig. I thaought you were and are a real Golfer. I am deeply dissapointed and hope that you can someday truely grow an appreciation for such a wonderful Sport.
Anyone who puts Rugby over the Superbowl has no respect from me. And Kimbo Slice, Please!!!! What a joke, did you not see that weak 10 second fight on NBC, go back to the street and fight your thugs. As for Annika Sorenstam, I can thank her for the name inspiration but that is as far as it goes for me, I lost interest in her long ago.
Peace out
I admit Superbowl should have been higher, but your list was a little out of whack as well. My thought that is if I were watching that I would need to be somewhere Abroad which I would enjoy immensely. I want you to tell Kimbo To his face he is a joke. That last fight sucked but he still rocks, and He would rock your pretty little face.
Golfer First
Who/When:Utah Jazz/Finals
Why:Fan of Utah
Who/When:Golf/Ryder Cup Why:Patriot
Who/When:Golf/Presidents Cup Why:Patriot
Why:Save a horse...
Who/When:Tigers/World Series Why:Tigers fan
Who/When:Secratariat/Triple Crown Why:31 length victory
Who/When: Any random event besides MLS (i.e. Bass Masters)
Why:MLS is last on my list no matter how long my list is.
Lastly, I'd like to comment to DK. I don't think it was any mistake you put the superbowl down on the list. But if we plan a Broncos or San Diego game in the next year or two I guarantee the Superbowl will be top three. Football's all about the atmosphere and after I went to the game in Denver my love for the game grew like the grinch (two sizes too big). Just some thought for thought.
My top fanhood priority belongs to my beloved Cougars. I have to say I didn't know my fanhood could increase more than it had, but season tickets will do that to a person. I agree with Scuba; football is all about atmosphere and feeling like one with the crowd (even if there are 65,000 more people there).
NCAA Football - BYU over any SEC team
NBA - Utah Jazz
NFL - Dallas Cowboys
FIFA World Cup - I don't have a specific team, but I'm always Spain when I play it on the Nintendo - I am just a converted fan of the game thanks to my time in Guatemala (Guatemala's national team sucks)
MLS - Real
The Masters (or any other Major)NCAA Basketball - BYU (can we just win in the 1st round once please?)
WSOP - Daniel Negraneau
MLB - NY Yankees (I only ever really wanted to see them play in Yankee Stadium and that is shot to heck now.)
Olympics - USA hoops
I don't care about UFC, NHL, ATP, WTP, Boxing, NASCAR, or Table Tennis
First of all, BYU vs. Prarie View over anything else. When BYU football is being played the rest of the sports world ceases to exist.
2. BYU Bball
3. NCAA Tourney
4. UF football
5. AF football
6. Other NCAA football
7. NBA - Bulls
8. NBA - Jazz
9. NFL - Jags
10. MLB - White Sox
Thumbs..Where's the Thursday Thread?
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